To start with, lets talk about the landmarks and architecture. foremost on the list is the kingdom tower. It is 99 storeys tall and is the third tallest structure in the country rising up to 300 m .The tower is divided into 2 parts in the last on third of its height and linked by a walk through sky bridge which allows us to have a breathtaking view of the entire city. It has also won the award for the "best new skyscraper of the year for its architecture and functionality" in the year 2002. It has a large opening on the top of, which is illuminated by variegated lights at night. One another very unique fact about this tower is that, it has a separate floor for only women to shop, therefore no men allowed.
secondly we have, Al Faisaliyah centre, in Arabic Burj Al faisaliyah. If you are wondering, yes our language is Arabic, one of the most difficult language on this planet. The construction of this tower is pretty amazing and the inspiration was taken from a ball point pen and is 44 storeys tall .By now you've already guessed that it consists of a ball. it has a golden ball which lies atop the tower, and its a restaurant inside. Outside the globe, is a stunning viewing area. The tower consists of shopping centre( pretty pricey as it consists of all the international brands ) in the lower grounds and offices up top run by different companies.
The food, we got ALL varieties of food,starting from Asian to north american, but we are known to be famous for shawarma. It is similar to a burrito but spiced up and less vegetables and more of yummy-licious dressing. And almost all places have local shawarma shops.
I don't want to ruin this, but lets have a look at the bitter side, the legal system.In addition to the regular police force we have a secret police force, 'the religious police' known as the mutawa. They enforce the Islamic social and moral norms as it is a Islamic country. Criminal law punishments in Saudi Arabia include public beheading, hanging, stoning, amputation and lashing. Serious criminal offences include not only internationally recognised crimes such as murder, rape, theft and robbery, but also, adultery, witchcraft and sorcery. The religious police mutawa impose restrictions on women when in public. These restrictions include requiring women to sit in separate specially designated family sections in restaurants, to wear an abaya (a loose-fitting, full-length black cloak covering the entire body) and to conceal their hair. And every adult woman has to have a close male relative as her "guardian".
Saving the best for the last. As I have mentioned earlier, the city of lights. It is because the city is lively and beautiful at night. the whole of the city is illuminated. the lights are so neatly arranged that you can figure out the structure they are put in while you land in an air plane. From the picture below you can figure out why is it the city of lights.